Wes Goddard praises the Lord for health and for continued safety in his travels, and for many Bible teaching opportunities. Many people have been sick with dengue fever. Some of his co-workers were sick for several days with dengue fever but have now recovered. With the cooler weather, there are fewer mosquitos. Hopefully that should reduce the spreading of the disease.
At the end of April, Wes, along with a Pai Bible teacher and his family from a nearby Pai church, travelled three hours to a remote Pai community near the border of Brazil. The Pai Bible teacher and his wife travel there once a month to do Bible teaching and to hold sewing classes for the ladies. Wes tries to make a trip there once every three months to assist with some of the Bible teaching. They had an excellent time there teaching foundational Bible lessons to three key men of the community. The men are hungry for Truth, and there was lots of discussion about God’s Word. They studied lessons on the life of Joseph and about Moses and the ten plagues in Egypt. Please pray for the Pai people of that community. There are three churches there, but Wes is not aware that any consistent systematic Bible teaching is taking place in those churches.
Earlier this month, Wes and the Pai co-teachers were able to visit two communities in Brazil, where they are trying to train people how to use the foundational Bible teaching lessons. Pray that God would raise up capable people who have a real vision to clearly communicate the Gospel message to their own people. They will head back again to one of those communities soon.
Please pray for the Pai believers at the community where Wes, his parents and other missionaries have worked for many years. The church there is struggling at this time and several people seem to be discouraged. Pray for wisdom as Wes investigates and tries to help them with issues that they might be going through, as a church. Please pray too for one of the Pai men who co-teaches with Wes on a regular basis. He and his wife are struggling in their marriage. It seems that Satan is always looking for ways to discourage believers and stop them from spreading the Gospel message. Thanks again for praying!