Clarity needed

In February Christian, who serves in Asia-Pacific, was encouraged by his trip to the missions training centre for nationals. He visited Jonathan, Dian and family, friends he already knew from when he was training in England. He joined different classes, got to know students and teachers, and experienced everyday life on campus.

Leadership at the school desire to provide practical lessons in the area of electricity, woodworking, mechanics/technology and construction as they have done in the past.

Christian’s skill set fits for the area of mechanics, and leadership have invited him to continue his language and culture studies there and then join the team of teachers and staff.

Christian is interested in this role, and asks for prayer for clarity in knowing if God wants him at this training centre.

Recently a new group arrived to learn language and culture, Christian now has a new roommate, David, who is very easy going, and they have a good time together.

Christian’s language studies continue. He is currently in Stage 3 and it is all about stories of events in the past or plans for the future. He has started to tell his own stories, experiences and plans for the future – in the national language.

His language helper is involved in the cultural heritage association in town and very is creative herself too. She loves to reproduce miniature figures from clay in every detail. She recently invited those studying to a cultural event. The mayor and his deputy were also invited. For a long time Christian had desired to meet the mayor; it finally happened, and he even had a short conversation with him!

Please pray for:

  • A man who Christian met on a hike who later had an accident, also pray for his family and the doctors treating him.
  • Perseverance in language learning because progress is not always recognisable.
  • Courage to invest in relationships and to leave the disappointments behind him.
  • Clarity regarding his future ministry.

Thankful for:

  • His new housemate David.
  • The many cultural experiences of the last two months.
  • The trip that he had to the training centre
  • Field leadership, who are an encouragement.

Thank you so much for your prayers.