Christmas in August!

Dennis and Valerie Easton’s fourteen-day quarantine is over, and they are already one week back into teaching the chronological Bible lessons. They were very happy to learn that they are permitted to continue meeting while following health protocols.

Last week the lessons covered the prophecies concerning the coming Saviour. Weaving through each lesson from the very beginning in Genesis the theme has been awaiting the Saviour sent from God.

The foundation for the introduction of Jesus as God’s Son has been laid, and on Sunday they shared the true meaning of Christmas with the Ga’dang, the birth of Jesus Christ!

Please pray for each precious soul who hears the wonderful story of the Saviour, Immanuel, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

The team had been using the Ilocano (local trade language) version of the Old Testament during the lessons since there is not yet a Ga’dang version. The villagers are fluent in Ilocano although Dennis and Valerie are not. Now they will use the Ga’dang New Testament.


As they enter the exciting section of lessons about Jesus that the listeners will clearly understand the truths being taught.

For ready hearts to hear the good news of the Gospel – the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes!

For the teams endurance and protection from the enemy during this busy time.


God’s ways are higher than our ways; He can be counted on to be working good in every situation.

The global pandemic has resulted in a whole group of high school students returning to their family homes in the village, unable to attend school. Normally students will leave for grades 7 and up and many never return for long. On the first night back into teaching a large group of new young people showed up, just in time for the giant review lesson. Praise the Lord with us for this new, unforeseen (but not by God) opportunity to reach these students with the Gospel, and please pray for their salvation.

That the Lord has allowed Dennis and Valerie to return to the village and begin teaching despite everything going on globally. His purposes are never thwarted.