Erlier this month, the Agutaynen believers in the Philippines celebrated their second year anniversary. Like a news report with minute-by-minute updates, news of this event keeps on coming in to Stephen and Ginger Jordan. All sources are reporting a wonderful weekend full of games, fellowship, and time in God’s Word. They have received reports like:
“Good celebration . . . especially the Bible lessons.”
“Happy was our anniversary.”
Just before the celebration began on Saturday, over a dozen Tagbanwa believers arrived. The Tagbanwas are another ethnic group on the island that Ethnos360 has worked with for many years. Over the last couple of years, Agutaynen believers have been able to build a relationship with the Tagbanwa believers. As a result, the believers invited the Tagbanwas to join them, and to challenge them from God’s Word. Along with the Tagbanwas, several from the village came and attended this celebration.
Stephen and Ginger are blessed to see the believers working together to host this event and their desire to grow in Christ.
The theme chosen by the believers for the anniversary was “Be alert and steadfast in your faith, be courageous and strong” from 1 Corinthians 16:13. Please pray for the believers, and that this theme will be become a testimony of their lives.