Adrian and Evelyn Jotter and family are learning language and culture in the Philippines. Several days before New Year’s and for several days afterwards, they were being greeted on the streets with a bright “Happy New Year”. For many people New Year’s Eve was even more important than Christmas Eve. Fireworks, the loud children’s instruments, music and the honking of cars were very hard to miss. Many Filipinos believe that the noise will drive away evil spirits. It is also important on New Year’s Eve to have at least twelve round fruits on the table that stand for twelve prosperous months and good fortune in the coming year.
Adrian and Evelyn are very thankful for your continued prayers. You are playing a big part in reaching the unreached of the Philippines with the Good News of Jesus. Prayer has carried them through many highs and lows during the past year.
They were able to purchase a suitable car for their family that they believe will serve their purposes well. Some work was needed on their yard in order to have a good parking space for it. They were very thankful that this happened promptly and that it has opened up more possibilities to get around and take people with them.
They were very excited to receive a lovingly packed package from their home church in perfect timing – three days before Christmas! What an encouragement it was to them!
All the family were quite sick right at the beginning of their Christmas break (probably Covid) but they are thankful for people in the team who took them the needed medicine and that they were well again for a Filipino Christmas party and for Christmas itself.
Even though they missed family and relatives more than normal, they are thankful for how God carried them through, gave them time to reflect over the past year and even had a short holiday away as a family.
While having been sick at the beginning of the break and Adrian again at the end, they are also grieving due to the death of a dear friend and mentor back in Germany shortly before Christmas. Instead of feeling well rested after the break, they actually felt rather emotionally drained and tired.
Last week they attended a workshop that was very helpful for their language learning. They also learned the need to stay patient, although it is humbling. Adrian and Evelyn are glad the Lord is always at work in their hearts even if it is painful sometimes. They all enjoyed swimming in the ocean, especially the kids, even though it was raining. The journey itself was very tiring. However, Adrian feels he has made good progress in being more comfortable driving in the Filipino traffic.
Pray for:
– Renewed energy, motivation and joy in continuing to learn Visaya.
– That they will always be able to process well hard things that happen in their home country.