
Exciting days are ahead in Amdu, Papua New Guinea where Bart and Emily Allen serve! A twenty-five minute hike from the main village, through the jungle, there is a clearing with a cluster of houses – a hamlet that is home to several believers and many of their extended family members. A tent structure for protection from the sun and rain has been erected. Bart and Emily have met with the believers for some teacher/helper training. The lessons and props have been prepared. Outreach has begun and Bart and Amdu believers are clearly sharing God’s message from Creation to Christ with the members of this hamlet!

For the past two-plus years, the small group of Amdu believers have taken frequent opportunities to share what they have learned with their unbelieving family members one-on-one or in small groups. They are very burdened for their family to understand God’s message of salvation. For the next ten weeks, they will be teaching through God’s Word four afternoons a week (with times each morning to prepare for that day’s lesson with the teachers/helpers, and to pray together) and the believers will have an opportunity to gain experience in sharing the Good News in a more formal group setting.

In week one of the outreach they started the lessons talking about origins and which of the many stories out there is the true one. They then taught about the days of creation, the two trees God put in the garden, how good all things were in the beginning, and where all the spirits came from. In the days and weeks ahead, they will be teaching about the fall of mankind, judgment for turning away from God, the promise of the coming Redeemer, Adam and Eve’s descendants, Babel, the flood, and much more.


Good attendance (so far about 20 each day) by many who live in that small hamlet (despite pressure and opposition)
The believers are doing a great job preparing for and helping to teach the lessons

Prayer requests:

For continued faithful attendance
That some who they hoped would come to listen but who haven’t yet would begin attending
For stamina for the long, busy days as we also continue teaching the believers through Romans and the newer believers through Acts on the weekends
The Amdu believers who are helping Bart with the teaching
Clear communication and clear understanding
The salvation of many

Thank you very much for praying for the Amdu people, and for Bart and Emily.