The last couple of months have been exciting for the Wana people of Asia-Pacific as three airstrips have now been completed making it possible for the Kodiak to land in the villages and enabling them to utilise the plane to get teaching teams into remote ministry locations. In two villages very successful youth retreats have taken place and a third has recently started. This is something Ed and Jeanne have been praying about for some time.
As the outside world is encroaching so quickly upon the Wana believers, many have needed help as they seek ways to raise their kids for the Lord in this new environment in which they now find themselves. Next month there will be yet another retreat. During this time, they will be studying the book of Romans to gain an understanding about their position in Christ as believers.
Ed and Jeanne now live in the USA where they continue to work on Bible translation and Bible curriculum development in the Wana language.
Ed has postponed his trip to Asia-Pacific, he misses being able to teach at the Bible conference and Bible curriculum development seminar this time, but he has more than enough to keep him busy with transferring the Scripture translation to the Paratext programme and continuing on with the development of the Old Testament lessons for mature believers.