Gene and Carol Trudeau serve among the Manubu’ people in the Philippines. Among the many things they are presently working on is making many more copies for two dialects of the books of the Manubu’ evangelistic Bible lessons’, a total of 180 books. Each book still needs to be bound by drilling holes in them 1/2 inch apart and sewing with heavy nylon thread. Two of our guesthouse managers’ teenagers will be helping with that. The number of Manubu’ Bible teachers keeps increasing so the many copies of the books they left with them a few years ago are almost depleted. Gene and Carol took PDF files of the books to a copy centre in town. The first place they tried could not do the copying but God led them to a new place owned by believers who gave them a good price for copying. Pray for God’s blessing on this couple at the copy center.
Gene and Carol are presently preparing for the copying and binding of about 400 or maybe 500 copies of the first of probably four volumes of the Manubu’ Old Testament in two dialects. This copying will be a bit cheaper per sheet than the lesson books because it is on thinner paper, but there will also be the cost of hard binding. Pray that this will go well.
Many sets of 93 coloured drawings that go with the Phase 1 and Phase 2 lessons were left in the storage building that they built at their Manubu’ village. The stock is now down to zero. Carol has printed 20 sets, which is a total 1,860 drawings on their inkjet printer, and they are about three quarters through laminating them. Their old professional laminating machine has stopped working, but another lesser quality very slow laminator they have may work for laminating the rest of the pictures. Please pray that it will do the job okay.
Along with all that is the writing of introductions for Old Testament books, translating Deuteronomy and checking it with their translation helper (via Messenger), working over the rough draft chapters of 2 Kings which their helper is translating from the Higaunon language translation, formatting and making PDF’s of Old Testament files for copying, and more. Carol is doing the final formatting of the books in each dialect in Word and then in a PDF editor. It takes a number of days to format each OT book. Please pray that she will not miss something and that the Lord will give her wisdom to solve the many glitches that occur in the formatting.
Please pray for Gene and Carol to have strength and wisdom from above to complete these tasks.