Bible Dedication

After 27 years of faithful service, Poul and Carol Joensen and members of their family presented the first translated copies of the New Testament Scriptures to the Sorimi people of Papua New Guinea at the Sorimi Bible Dedication in Papua New Guinea  in mid-August!

Canadian missionary Martin Lamb writes, “What a joy it was to witness the joy on everyone’s faces — the range of emotions was palpable as Bibles were presented to the believers and the Joensen family were embraced with gratitude for giving their lives to reach the Sorimi people.”

Praise God for sustaining the Joensens, Scripture formatter Doug Lotz, editor Terresa Hiebert and proofreaders Edna Trigg and Jack Abbott throughout their translation work. Please pray for this growing church and that their hunger for the Word of God and literacy will continue to grow!

During the Bible dedication, Poul Joensen received yet another letter from a neighbouring people group that has been begging for missionaries for years. Watch a video here.