Back to normal

“Back to normal routine” is what Andrew and Joanna, who serve in Asia-Pacific with their two children, write to people who ask them what the last few months have been like. The dorm kids have returned from their villages, meetings and have started up again after a short summer break, and their children are back to school uniforms and lunch boxes.

During the summer months Joanna has gone through a Bible study by ‘Daily Grace’ called “More Than Anything – a Study on Idolatry”. It has been an eye-opening study.  She was surprised by how often everyday idols seriously slip into taking a place in her heart that should be filled by God alone. She was reminded through some of the practical examples how good things can be done with the wrong motives and how this can lead us to idolise something that is meant to be used for God’s glory.

Praise God for:

Two additional girls that have joined the dorm, and for the couple who have volunteered to stay on for another year to act as dorm parents.

For a quieter month while the kids were off school with lots of fun adventures as Joanna’s good friend from Germany was visiting.

For the (new) ministry opportunities that God has opened up.

Please pray:

For the normal meetings in the dorm.

The three additional events/travels planned for the month of September – for safe travels and for God to prepare hearts in every one of those places.

Joanna together with some ladies will travel to visit a dorm in a different city to connect with the dorm leader and the young people there.

The local missions conference will be in their nearest city from 17th– 20th of September. Andrew and Joanna are expecting some extra visitors during this time. Please pray for a blessed time together.

Travels to a remote village for extra teaching in a local church is planned from 23rd-30th September. Andrew and a team will join to organise the kids- and youth programme there. Pray for the logistics of getting there as the aeroplane is still having technical issues.

They are thankful for the six young people that are staying in the dorm. At their regular meetings they have young people who live in other student accommodations around the town join them and it is lovely to see the place busy. So in all they have around 25 people at the Wednesday meetings. The young people are split into groups and Andrew leads the newcomers in studying the chronological Bible lessons. Pray they would truly understand the truth about Jesus´ love for them.

Monday night girl’s Bible study continues to run and every few weeks it is Joanna’s turn to teach or prepare a craft/cooking lesson. They would really like to get to know the new girls on a more personal level. Many of them are initially shy so they need wisdom on how we can best get to know them.

The boy’s Bible study on Saturday evenings continues with Andrew teaching on “Jesus´ journeys”.

Personal discipleship continues every Sunday with different boys and Andrew was also asked to meet with one of the men who comes regularly to our volleyball time. He has many questions and is truly searching for answers. It is wonderful to see the opportunities God gives us to be involved in personal discipleship. Pray that God would be at work.

Spiritual warfare sometimes comes with new opportunities, and both Andrew and Joanna have felt some of that recently. They always appreciate prayer for that.

For a time now Andrew and Joanna have been considering the pros and cons of shorter versus longer home assignments. After a time of prayer and consultation with leadership God has opened the door for them to change the timeframe of their home assignment. Due to the nature ministry, and of their kids schooling, for now, they are planning yearly, shorter home assignment alternating between the two main sending countries. The plan is to visit Germany this winter and to visit Northern Ireland next winter. Home assignment in Germany is planned for early December 2024 to early February 2025.