While June 1st was Dave and Fran’s official retirement date, not much has changed in what they are doing. As God allows they will continue to have a part in equipping and training Prai believers in Southeast Asia. Because the church continues to expand and grow, there is more than ever to be done, and, the Prai believers need to be learning to take on these responsibilities.
Over the years, bringing the Gospel to the Prai people who were deep in the darkness of spirit worship has been possible by the prayers and gifts of many of God’s people. How those prayers are more necessary than ever as more people are rescued from Satan’s dominion and born into God’s kingdom. Dave and Fran continue to need your prayers!
Dave was recently able to receive helpful instruction from experts that will facilitate an improved Prai scripture app, other apps for the Prai church, and help with the Prai website. Over 800 people from many countries met at a conference, to share a myriad of ministry tools to speed the Gospel going out and nations discipled. Pray for Dave as he develops these apps and the website.
For some time, Dave and Fran have been praying for the Prai village of Grassy Wallow in the mountain range across the valley from Boot Creek. Praise the Lord there are now three believers from this village. Pray that the love of the believers would open hearts in Grassy Wallow, and pray for those who make the trek up to teach in this remote village. There is some resistance to the teaching.
Pray for Prai believers who suffer persecution that they will endure, and have access to God’s Word and Bible teaching.
Praise the Lord for the enthusiasm of some in Sandy Creek for producing more worship music in Prai. Recently three people from the village visited Dave and Fran to record their songs. Producing an app with both text and audio for the new revised Prai songbook (in process) is another project.
Parenting still remains a very real challenge for the mountain Prai. In Sandy Creek, those doing the Bible teaching will try presenting a five to ten minute power point on biblical parenting each week. This is still to be worked out. Please pray for them to coach parents to teach and train their children.
Dave and Fran know this is God’s work and His strength that enables them to participate with Him.