Luca and Lavi Muscianese praise the Lord for His faithfulness and answers to prayer.
They spent January in Bucharest where a church has come alongside them and with their sending church in Vienna they are now able to move forward with a ministry in the Philippines. A huge answer to prayer. They were able to sort out paperwork, visit churches and give a presentation about their future ministry in the Philippines. Finally yet importantly, they had the opportunity to meet new people and connect with friends and family.
In February and March, God also answered prayers and opened doors in various churches to present the ministry. So during these months; they travelled between Romania-Austria-Germany-Italy and back to Romania. Two of the churches are now partnering with them.
Lavi and Luca are extremely excited about the way churches are receiving information about the ministry and the need for missionaries, and feel very blessed to see so many answers to their prayers.
Praise the Lord! God has given them eleven churches that will partner with them. Their joy is beyond measure and they give glory to God, because looking back, it is clear that it was He who made all things happen and come together in His perfect timing.
They will spend the next two months in Italy, and then at the beginning of June they plan to return to Romania and Austria for two weeks before, God willing, heading to the Philippines in July.
Give thanks for:
• God’s faithfulness
• God’s care and protection in all their travels
• Health
• Financial support
• Long-term partners
Pray for:
• Protection on the journey to Italy
• Final preparations
• Airline tickets at a good price
• Protection when travelling to the Philippines