An opened door

This time of year, things start to gear up for the two conferences hosted here at NTM-UK, North Cotes. We so value your prayers for each one, that the Lord will use it to challenge more labourers for the harvest field.

This year Liam and Ellen Cox are excited that they can be involved in MK (missionary kid) care, which is close to their heart. Each year NTM/Ethnos in Europe runs a week-long ‘Refresher course’, generally held in Germany. All NTM/Ethnos missionaries (who are on home assignment) and home personnel are invited to attend for a time of fellowship, encouragement from the Word, reports on different works, debriefs and lots of fun and refreshment.

An important part of this week is the childcare programme which runs each morning. It is aimed at giving the MK’s the same encouragement and refreshment that their parents are hopefully getting during that week, helping them deal with some of the challenges of being an MK, and making friends with other kids going through the same experiences. So, in August as a family they will travel to Germany, and Liam and Ellen will help to run the childcare programme, which will be a blessing for their own children to be part of as well.

This is something that they are to prayerfully considering being involved with long-term, but they have a lot to learn, and they need to see how Liam’s health copes with the travel and tiredness over a full week. God has opened doors for them to be able to go this year, and they are encouraged that this is something that He wants them to investigate. If this is a ministry that they are to undertake then He will sustain them in every way. They would appreciate your prayers as they make travel plans and arrangements.

Liam has taught several modules over the last few months including Life of Christ, Hamartiology (the study of sin), and Anthropology. Soon he will start Colossians, and this year is teaching Daniel for the first time. He is really enjoying it and has appreciated some encouraging feedback from the students. His workload is full-on, but they are thankful that he seems to be managing it so far! They praise God for the medication that helps to keep Liam’s health generally ok and are thankful they are, for the moment, working well and they pray they continue to do so!

Ellen enjoys her varied ministries. She is now busy with the college’s new website project and helping with admin for the childcare programme for the next academic year. She may resume her one morning a week in the kitchen again after the February break as a team member is then leaving. Over the past few months Ellen has been experiencing pain, nausea, and vomiting. Investigations are ongoing but it seems likely it will be a diagnosis of endometriosis. Pray that God will undertake completely – so that despite all their human weaknesses Liam and Ellen can still serve Him effectively, and have peace to leave it in His hands, not their own.

Together Liam and Ellen have enjoyed getting to know students through the weekly fellowship group ministry. Hearing their stories of how God has brought them to North Cotes College etc., has been a real blessing. Many a time they are reminded afresh of why they are doing what they do – to spread the Gospel to ALL nations.

Cora and Florrie are doing well in school and have both settled in to the new year. Liam and Ellen try to teach them that as a family they are a team, all having a job to do for God, brothers and sisters in Christ working together for Him.

Thank you for standing behind Liam, Ellen, Cora and Florence in prayer.