An encouraging day

The wheels were turning bright and early as Ragnar and Elizabeth Niclasen made their way to where a daughter church is located among the Kankanaey people in the Philippines. Their last time they were there was in May 2024, when the first service was held in the new church building. They were excited to be on their way to visit them once again, and knew they were almost there when they found themselves surrounded by newly planted rice fields, coconut trees and lots of banana plants.

What a warm welcome they received – lots of smiles and hugs, plus plenty of hot steaming coffee and boiled sweet potatoes. The new building was full, and Ragnar and Elizabeth were excited to be mingling with the new believers once more. After lots of singing, Ragnar gave an encouraging message on Psalm 27:4. “I have only one purpose in my life: may I remain constantly in His temple so that I will be able to see all His goodness and be taught by Him.” Seeing the amount of food they had prepared for the noon meal showed that they must have begun their day very early.

Ragnar and Elizabeth enjoyed lots of conversations with the believers surrounding them. In general, the believers seem very encouraged with their new walk with the Lord and have a desire to learn more and share God’s wonderful news with those around them. One lady’s heart was heavy though as she shared with us about losing her youngest son (24 years old) to a truck accident a few months earlier. A very sad time for the whole family, yet she is rejoicing in the fact that they will meet again someday in heaven.

In the last update Ragnar and Elizabeth asked for prayer regarding paperwork. They are pleased to be able to share with you that they were able to make a quick trip to Manila, and it is now taken care of and being processed. Thanks so much for praying.