Amazed at God’s Word

Jamie and Char Hunt serve in Paraguay translating God’s Word into the language of the people group where they live. The translation of 1 Timothy is well underway.

Jamie, along with co-worker Erwin, recently met with a man that lives an hour’s drive away to do a comprehension check. After hearing about God’s design for church leadership, the man exclaimed, “Wow, this is all so new to me! I have never heard this before.” He has been serving as a leader in his church for years and this was the first he had heard with understanding of the qualifications of elders and deacons.

The next day, Jamie and Erwin headed to a different village to again check 1 Timothy with a man that has pastored his church, held evangelistic campaigns, and has been a youth pastor for more than ten years. The reading of 1 Timothy was a shock to him. He said with a heavy heart, “All our churches are so very far from this teaching!” He could not believe what he was hearing: “Parents are to make their children obey? That is what the Bible says? We have never heard that before!” He then added, “This book needs to be read right away from start to finish in every church!” He was amazed at all the truth contained in 1 Timothy that he was learning for the very first time.

To see eyes opened and understanding dawn in the hearts of these men as 1 Timothy was read to them is evidence that the powerful Word of God is communicating to the minds and hearts of the hearers. Praise be to God for His life-changing Word!

Pray for:

Wisdom for Jamie as he begins the exegetical study of the Gospel of Matthew.

Wisdom and endurance for Char and Carmen as they work through Joshua.

People to embrace the newly translated books, read them, teach from them, and be transformed by them…even when it goes contra-culture.

Jamie as he teaches through the book of Mark in a Bible study format in the local church where they serve.

Co-workers, Erwin and Rita Penner, that they would quickly grasp an understanding of the language and culture. For good relationships with the people.

Thank the Lord Char was able to fly to the USA for the birth of their granddaughter, and pray for good health and safe deliveries of the next three grandchildren who are due to arrive later this year.

Jamie and Char are thankful for your prayers.