For Daniel, Nicole and David Noort their recent trip across Canada has been truly amazing, very long too. In three-and-a-half weeks, they travelled over 5800 miles. Their little old van kept on going and going without any glitches. The purpose of the trip was to connect with co-workers in Saskatchewan and Alberta, to have fellowship and to learn from them and be an encouragement. They also had the opportunity to visit one of their supporters for a weekend and enjoyed spending time with them, having fun and fellowship.
In the first week of their trip, they were able to stay for a few nights in the basement of a native church. Their co-worker introduced them to the native pastor and his wife. They enjoyed sharing testimonies and having fellowship.
The next day they were introduced to a native missionary and his wife. He is the Board Chair of the native mission organisation. They are also a denomination to which 17 native churches are connected. For the last few years, he has been working together with a co-worker to develop teaching material for his fellow Cree people.
After several hours of spending time together, Daniel and Nicole were confronted with the question as to whether they would like to work for the organisation. Their initial response to their Cree brother in the Lord was that the most important thing in their life is that they want to stay within the will of God. Everything else is secondary. This means they need to spend time in prayer.
They feel led by the Lord to pursue this opportunity. They see this open door as an opportunity given from the Lord to build a relationship with likeminded Indigenous brothers in Christ working together for the sake of the Gospel. Their goals have not changed; to see thriving churches among the Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Please pray for everyone involved. In the next couple of months, Daniel and Nicole hope to work out the details of transitioning. It is a big step but God has a perfect track record of being faithful.
Pray for wisdom in moving forward one-step at a time and patience and trust in God’s ways.
Also, pray for God’s help for David in finding a Bible School.