A new chapter

A new chapter in Ben, Tabea and family’s ministry is now beginning, and they are super excited about it!  They are officially allowed to move in and serve among the people group in Asia-Pacific that they have been working toward as a team.

To get the necessary paperwork completed, team members needed to make the trip up to the north side of the island on the mountain road. They had a nervous chuckle seeing one of the road signs (see photo)! Taking two cars meant some of the team could stay another two nights in the village.

Once the paperwork was done and the officials all left, the team got to work on gathering language data that the mission leadership had requested.

They also managed to make a complete list of all the wood needed to build two houses and arrange for four people to start cutting wood that they will use to build their houses.

The location that they are moving to has very poor internet connection so they have purchased a portable satellite dish that should give them fast and cheap satellite internet access.

While Ben was far away on this trip (two days travel) their two eldest boys managed to fall over and cut themselves badly on the tile floor and kitchen worktop, necessitating a visit to A&E on two consecutive days. One required three stitches right next to his eye, and the other with an even bigger gash on his forehead needed five stitches!

Praise Points:

• Permissions and paperwork are all finished, and they can now start the process of building and moving.

• For safe travels

• That the boys’ cuts have healed without infection

• That they were able to find men who are willing and able to cut wood for them (it’s a lot of wood)

• For internet that will help them keep connected in the middle of nowhere

Prayer Points

• For the meetings with leadership this week

• Wisdom with all the difficult decisions they need to make starting this new work

• Strength for the long days and weeks, working to make the move happen

• Safety for the many long and dangerous trips by car and ferry