The hand of God

Despite many tribulations (in Mozambique and in the USA), Phil and Elin Henderson see the hand of God at work, and they find strength and encouragement for their faith.

Due to the current situation in the country of Mozambique the field leadership for Southeast Africa (Integral Vision/Ethnos 360) made the difficult decision to remove all personnel from Mozambique for now. Pray for peace and stability.

Some missionaries have returned home for their home assignments, others are waiting things out in South Africa. They are thankful for those who have opened their homes up to help these displaced missionaries.

Phil and Elin enjoyed a cosy family Christmas at home in the USA with their kids this year. It’s been a few years since they all were together.

Elin has been preparing for the upcoming Field Health Course that she will be teaching for the candidates at the nearby missionary training centre.

Phil took a trip to the Philippines for a series of meetings and workshops. He travelled by bus from the capital city to the national missionary training centre where he met up with fellow leaders, spending over a week teaching and encouraging the candidates studying there.Then he travelled to Paraguay for another series of similar leadership meetings and workshops. He will be back home again this month and just has short trips planned.

It has been challenging to exchange messages with their Mwinika friends. What word they are getting is that everyone is well. The believers continue to meet weekly to study the Word of God. They are trusting the Lord to use this as an opportunity for the church to unify in demonstrating the love of God and serving their communities in this time of need and tribulation.


  • For 27 years of marriage – and the blessing it has been to them!
  • For safety in their holiday travels and a good time with family
  • For God’s continued provision for their lives and ministry
  • For the relative calm among the Mwinika during this time of strife


  • For peace and stability to return to Mozambique
  • For the Mwinika believers to remain strong and encouraged in the faith in spite of tribulation and to be blessings to their communities
  • For safety for Phil as he travels and for a profitable time
  • For the Field Health Class that Elin is teaching – that it will be a help and blessing to the students

Thank you for your prayers.