Paul and Bella Gervasi have been back in the USA now for over a month. They finished the Sekadu Bible dedication and presentation and then had a little over a week to try and wrap things up in the village before leaving Asia-Pacific on home assignment. It was a hectic time for them. Originally, they had thought they might be leaving the village permanently. But after considering what still needs to be done there, they decided to go back at the end of their home assignment. Their plan is to finish revising all the Bible lessons that they have made through the years. They plan to go back in January for around six months.
Their trip out of the interior was the most physically taxing trip they have ever made. The people in that area of the country have planted palm oil trees to try to make a living. They use large and generally overloaded trucks to bring out the palm oil fruit to be sold. Those trucks make huge mud holes in unpaved roads and create huge potholes in the asphalted parts. The four-wheel drive vehicle that they were travelling in got stuck in one of the large mud holes. When they arrived in town, they felt like their bodies had been beaten. If the road is that bad or worse when they go back to the village, it is very likely they will not come out of the village at all until they are finished with what they need to do.
Paul and Bella have no idea what they will be doing once their work in the village is completed. They have no desire to retire. They are both in pretty good health, and still have their mental capability. They would like to be involved in ministry somewhere, but they have no idea where that might be. As they have for their whole lives, they are trusting God to lead them to do whatever it is He wants them to do.
During their time in the USA, they are trying to catch up with friends and supporters but also want to work on revising lessons.
Please continue to pray that Paul and Bella will accomplish what they need to while they are home, and that they will know what the next step in their lives will be when they finish in the village in Asia-Pacific.
Prayer for:
The church in the village in Asia-Pacific – some of the leaders have left the village for one reason or another, which has put a lot of strain on the ones who are left.
Paul and Bella as they see doctors while they are home, and that they will get done whatever it is that needs to be done to keep their frail bodies going for a little while longer.
Thank you for your prayers.