Ryan and April recently shared a glimpse into their lives and ministry, where they continue to experience God’s presence remarkable ways. Where they live in Asia-Pacific simply carrying out daily tasks is not their ultimate end, but doing them well, paves the way for achieving their ultimate goal: sharing the Good News of Jesus with their Turu friends, helping them move from fear to faith in Him.
Here’s an overview of what’s been going on:
Translation: They have completed the second check of their Bible translation project, covering significant portions of Genesis and Exodus. Recently they distributed some of these translated Scriptures in the Turu language to their friends for the first time.
Airstrip: Their survival depends on planes, and well-maintained airstrips make this possible. But “well”-maintained means a lot of work. So, they recently hosted 52 high schoolers from their children’s mission school in town who worked on the airstrip for two weeks. Their joy to serve was a blessing. For their children it was a double blessing to get to share village life with so many of their friends.
Literacy: The second literacy class successfully graduated, with participants of all ages. Beyond teaching reading and writing in their language, two Turu men were trained to continue teaching others. Please keep these two teachers in your prayers.
Transition: This summer, they will be returning to the USA to help their son, Jordan (graduating this month), re-enter and live his passport country. He’s looking forward to reconnecting with his church community, finding employment, and starting college classes in the autumn. However, the transition is particularly challenging for all of them, so they would appreciate your prayers.