The Lord has provided

Ron and Michelle Jennings enjoyed a great mission’s conference in Manila before they returned to their Higaunon village. It was refreshing for them to hear of all that is going on in the many different works in the Philippines from their NTM co-workers, and meet the ten new families that have joined them in in the Philippines in the last last year or so. They were also able to catch up with their co-workers Lance and Laura Ostman who are back in the USA now and plan to return again at the beginning of next year.

Arriving back into the village just over a week ago, having had a good flight in and a second flight the following day to bring in the rest of their supplies, it took a few days to unpack everything and get things put into their right places.

They joined the believers meeting on Sunday morning. What an encouragement it was for them to hear one of their main leaders, Sona’, teaching God’s Word. He taught from Proverbs 6:16-19. It just amazes them how he has learnt his way around the Scriptures expounding on these verses with other verses from the New Testament. They were blessed to see how the Lord has taught and brought this young man on to be a truly wonderful teacher of His Word. He has been in the ministry for about 20 years now.

Ron would like to get back into translation work ASAP, but the phone project and also the MP3 players are still pending so they would appreciate prayer.

A few projects that need wisdom from the Lord are:

  1. They have a new inverter from Australia as the old one is starting to show signs of wear. Normally onsite servicing is carried out for the life of the unit but it cannot be done in the village. The owner of the company providing the inverter graciously gave them a fully reconditioned unit as a service replacement, to swap for the old one, and then send the old unit back to Australia for servicing. Making the swap is a bit technical so pray that this will go smoothly.
  2. They plan to change their current satellite internet provider. Pray for wisdom to determine where the dish can be located and then for the safe delivery of the dish etc. There will be major changes to the way their network has to be set up.
  3. They plan to purchase a conversion kit for the new Honda generator (a backup when the hydroelectric system is down from flooding etc.,) to convert it to LPG gas , which will make it much easier to use, especially when the locals need to run it when Ron and Michelle are not in the village. Please pray that they will be able to get a good quality kit and for wisdom in putting it all together.
  4. The Lord has also provided for them to purchase more smart phones for the leaders who do not yet have one and they are really excited to hear about this. Now they have to be purchased and set up, which is a somewhat challenging task. In addition, they have more mp3 players that need to be set up. Praise the Lord for this wonderful provision.

Ron and Michelle are eager to get back to the translation, but need to get these things out of the way first.