Energy and encouragement

Pete and Charity, who serve in Mozambique, are so thankful for a break from the heat and their garden is looking much more alive these days. Those time-lapse videos you see of the African planes transforming from a dry, dusty land to a lush green paradise really do happen in the rainy season.

Recently they have been busy with: supply buying for village missionaries, having singles over for meals each week, doing government paperwork for missionaries, helping missionaries from other organisations who need help in the capital of the province, home projects, repairing computers, renewing passports down in the capital 1,500 miles away. They have also had several weeks of sickness in their family, and enjoyed having their kids home for a few extra weeks.

Prayer requests:

After a time of sickness, pray for good health and strong immune systems to return quickly.

Pete is transitioning into a new role with many responsibilities. Pray that he will manage his time well and be a good source of encouragement and knowledge to those he is helping.

Pray for future schooling options. Pray God would give them wisdom as parents to decide what is best for their two school aged children.

Pray for wisdom for their future. Covid restrictions and ever-changing requirements might make it more challenging for them to stay in Mozambique. Pray that they would trust God to continue making a way forward for them to stay for however long He wants.

Pete is scheduled to attend meetings in the USA this month. Please pray that it would be a beneficial time that would help him serve better.

They are very thankful for several churches giving generous gifts towards Charity being able to join him on the trip. The last two years have been especially challenging for her and she is looking forward to the special gift of seeing family again

Pray for their oldest son as he works hard and navigates life in the USA. He is growing and learning a lot about living independently.

A couple from one of the village works is planning to return to Mozambique for a few month’s visit. Pray for the necessary paperwork for their visa to come through and that they would be able to visit and continue their translation again- They have wanted to get back for a couple of years now.

A new couple on the team is starting with language and culture study. Please pray as they adjust to Mozambique and juggle language learning with raising two young children.

There is the possibility of two ladies joining the team this year too. Please pray for Pete and Charity to be full of energy and encouragement as they help their new co-workers adjust to Mozambique.

Thank you for your prayers.