Lifetime learning

Sasch and Charissa Schwendich’s trip proved to be far more eventful than they planned. The night before they hoped to leave, as they were busy packing up, two ladies crashed their motorbike and arrived at their house for medical care. The one thankfully only had a nasty gash and some scrapes. Please pray for the other as she was still recovering from a bad concussion last year, and now needs to heal all over again.

The trip was postponed for a day. The two-hour trip turned into a four-hour creep as the truck that was taking them had mechanical issues; finally another vehicle was used to pick them up. Meanwhile the mission plane was waiting for them… With so much help from God, the wonderful pilots, the airport workers and others, they made it onto the plane and arrived safely on the island where the literacy workshop is being held.

The workshop has run for six days a week from 8am to 5pm and has been exhausting but rewarding. Tomorrow the workshop concludes. The kids have done well in spite of having to entertain themselves most of the time. Pray for good health. (Almost everyone has been under the weather at some point over the last few weeks.)

Continue to pray for the church and the dorm in their Buru village, especially while they are away. It will be a couple more weeks before Sach, Charissa and their co-workers return.

It is a lifetime learning curve for every believer to truly trust God in and for all things, rather than trying to ‘do it ourselves’ or depend on others. What a joy when we allow the Lord alone, the opportunity to work in our lives!

Thank you for praying.