Curfew from 2pm until the next morning 8am is becoming the new normal in PNG! In the mornings the town is loaded with people who are trying to get their things done in a very short time. In the afternoons, police officers encourage people to go home! Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still a topic.
At the beginning of October the whole Dinangat team (or what’s left of it), wanted to go to Dinangat for two weeks during the kids’ school break. Ralf and Elli Schlegel with Mimi were so looking forward to it! They had great plans to do so much in there. Ralf wanted to record the second half of Hebrews with his helper and check 2 Corinthians and Revelation to get those letters ready for a consultant check. Elli had twenty Kids Bible Lessons prepared, which she wanted to check with her helper. In addition, the ladies in the team wanted to get together with the ladies there to encourage them in specific ways. The guys planned to study 2 Corinthians with the elders and Bible teachers so that they would be ready to teach it to the church body. Discipleship of the elders was a big item on the agenda. They were ready and excited!
Then the Covid situation worsened in the area. They were asked not to travel into other regions of the country. One of the Dinangat church elders, called to let them know that many people there were sick with what sounded like Covid. Praise God that nobody died. Therefore, they had to make this hard decision to cancel their trip into Dinangat. It needed to be postponed, which also meant that the ladies and kids could not go in next time because of school being back on. Elli was very disappointed!
Last month Jeremiah and Ralf (unfortunately Gary will not be able to go along) were able to take a trip into Dinangat. Their desire was for God to use them to encourage the church, to strengthen the elders and Bible teachers and to get lots of translation work done.
Thank you for your prayers for the Dinangat team and the Dinangat church.